USYD Leadership Program Networking Breakfast

USYD Leadership Program Networking Breakfast

On the morning of Thursday 26th October, members of our school’s student leadership team attended the University of Sydney’s Leadership Program Networking Breakfast at the Refectory on Science Rd. Kalanie Prabhakar, Savannah Pradhan and Anne-Sophie Hegi from the 2022/2023 SRC, along with our Careers Advisor Ms Salisbury, had the wonderful opportunity to meet other student leaders from other selective schools in New South Wales. 

Over breakfast, we spoke with other student leaders and shared experiences about our leadership styles and brainstormed about how we will utilise our “leadership for good” in the next 12 months to make things happen.

We networked with current University of Sydney students, and also listened to guest speaker Adam Evans, a recent graduate of the university as he shared his core messages as a leader in his student life and career.

It was an extremely rewarding experience – and we are looking forward to our next meeting for the USYD Leadership Program in January 2024 !!


Kalanie Prabhakar