Member Profile – Introducing Suzie McErvale

Member Profile – Introducing Suzie McErvale


Meet a Member …

Each eNews, we would like to introduce you to one of our wonderful Chapter Members, through a Question & Answer type interview article. 

Therefore, in the hotseat this edition, is Suzie McErvale, Director of Development and Marketing, Salesian College, Chadstone and Founder and Host of the Let’s Check In Podcast.

(Editor’s note: Suzie is a long-standing member of EducatePlus and continues to fly the flag for women in terms of Advancement and empowerment.  We are delighted to announce that Suzie will be the guest speaker at the upcoming VIC/TAS AGM. Her new Podcast Channel is testament to her ongoing work in education, and she truly is a remarkable example of our members doing great things!)


1. When and where did your career in Education begin?
To be honest, I feel like I was born into Education. I come from a long line (over 60 years in fact) of strong, determined, kind-hearted women who have dedicated their lives to future generations.

In 2006 I started a Bachelor of Education, but my love wasn’t in the classroom. In 2007, after I completed my first year of Teaching, I swapped universities and degrees to a Bachelor of Business Marketing/Hospitality Management.

In 2009 (the final year of my degree), I undertook an Industry-based Learning year at Australia Post headquarters. Looking back, that was an innovative university-industry initiative that helped set me in good stead for the future. I was fortunate to sit on an Editorial Team of the brand-new (at the time) national consumer magazine, Australia Today. This is where my love of publishing was born. At the end of that industry-based learning year contract, I was tapped on the shoulder at University to apply for a Publications role at an Independent school in Melbourne. I applied and accepted the position. Grounded in family tradition I continued to be in the space of education but I found my own path that made sense to me.

2. What interests you most in terms of your role?
Stepping into the entrepreneur space of Founder and Host of the Let’s Check In Podcast in so many ways has pushed me to my growth edge, but I was ready for it. Storytelling and people are my passion and in particular the role it plays in healing and binding a community together.

Our world has a lot of chaos and issues right now. It can be a tricky place to be. Our young people are struggling and the stats attest to this. My purpose is to help support young people and adults in a preventative way to build the skills and awareness to grow and prosper together.

3. Who is your biggest role model in terms of leadership?
I look to people like Brené Brown, Esther Perel, Jane Goodall, Alan Watts and interview greats like Michael Parkinson.

I am incredibly blessed to have many people in my village, including incredible Indigenous Elders who provide role model support to me across the world – from New York to Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Sweden, to home here in Australia.

Not to mention my own family – my fiancé, parents, sister, family and close friends. They each model in their own ways.

4. What aspect of your role do you love the most?
I love that the podcast is only in its second week and has already visibly resonated with people. For some, that’s on an individual level, for others it’s allowed them to start and continue conversations with their kids that might have otherwise been avoided and suppressed (i.e. Mastering your anxious mind with #1 Anxiety Therapist, Georgie Collinson).

5. What are you currently doing that would be of interest to other members in Educate Plus?

Think of a time you faced uncertainty. Chances are, it evoked some pretty wild feelings that didn’t always feel so great (insert the COVID pandemic era, transitioning from study to workplace, those new job nerves, moving cities, finding your purpose, the impact of AI on job security, the first-time baby roller-coaster, climate anxiety, a loved one diagnosed with a life-threatening illness). You know what I’m talking about.

If there’s any certainty in life, it’s that uncertainty is always going to be there.

Let’s be real, these transition points don’t always feel like smooth sailing. And chances are, it’s probably not super rosy for those in your presence as you navigated the sea of change either.

Through real conversations and expert advice, the Let’s Check In Podcast shares stories and strategies of real people who have paved the way forward through uncertainty, despite feeling fearful and challenged. We talk about the things that you didn’t learn at school, that you wish someone had prepared you for. Best case you’ll learn something, worst case you’ll learn something.

Listen now on your platform of choice:

  • Apple:

  • Spotify:

6. Describe yourself in 5 words.
Determined, authentic, curious, committed, reflective.

7. For anyone embarking on a role in advancement what advice would you give them?
Before taking on any role, I suggest reflecting on who you are, your values and where you see alignment. This can be a tough and messy, but do your best to persist; it’s worth it.

If entering Advancement, my advice is to think about how your passion and skillset can genuinely contribute to helping guide young people in today’s world. Set about finding the culture that is the right soil for you to grow and prosper. Ensure you practice self-care in a nourishing way and exercise your boundaries.