Committee Member in the Spotlight –

Committee Member in the Spotlight –

Meet one of your dedicated WA Committee members – Judy-Ann Quilliam from Loreto, Ballarat. Judy-Ann is your committee’s Regional Member Coordinator and is the Director of Marketing and Development at Loreto College Ballarat.


If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you call it?

The Art of Zag!  (based on living life by the inspiration of one of my favorite books by advertising guru Siimon Reynolds – When they Zig, you Zag….I’ve pretty much done that all my life!)


What do you like most about Educate Plus?

The dynamic and sharing nature of the network. Educate Plus operates in one of the most exciting and rapidly changing industries in this country; the enthusiasm of this network to welcome new members and inspire everyone to learn and share is extraordinary.


How has Educate Plus helped you in your career development?  

I attended the International Conference at the Gold Coast in 2016, 6 months after commencing a new role in this industry. Prior to this, I didn’t even know the Advancement sector existed!! Educate Plus has opened my eyes to a world of extraordinary inspiration and opportunity. As our regional areas grow, so are our schools, and as new staff come on board, many of them are new to this industry. Embracing and actioning learning from PD sessions, making the most of mentor opportunities and being actively involved in the Vic/Tas Committee has opened up many new opportunities on a personal, team and school level.


What is the most rewarding part of your Director of Marketing and Development role at Loreto?

Working in an environment that was created almost 150 years ago and inspired in the 16thcentury to educate young women, by great female leaders whose values, religious and educational philosophies still stand to this day – and then seeing girls graduate this school, that they love so much, they don’t want to leave.


How did you first learn about Educate Plus?

From our Principal, who suggested the International Conference might be a good inspiration and team development session for our new team.


Who would you like to be for a day?

Definitely my dog!! She is a gorgeous Boxer who is smothered with love, has a beautiful home, boundless energy and not a care in the world!


Favourite movie?

Mama Mia – can’t wait for July 19!! Mama Mia 2 the girls night is already in planning!


What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

Sauvignon Blanc! (That’s the real reason I’m going to New Zealand in September!) My dog! Licorice Bullets! Licorice Allsorts! My family…probably should be in the reverse order, No!


Who has had the biggest impact on your career thus far and why?

There are two people…One of the first people I ever worked with, we both started out in the hairdressing industry in the 80s, it was very cool then, we had very big hair!! We encouraged each other to achieve so much on a personal, friendship and business level as we moved in and out of other industries and education over the years. To this day she is still my very dear friend and mentor. Now, I would say the Principal of Loreto College, Ms Judith Potter. I am grateful every day that Judith trusted and welcomed me into the privileged role that I undertake for Loreto College as Director of Marketing and Development. I have found in Loreto College, a place of work and love and in the Advancement industry, a place of immense opportunity. What more can you ask for?


Favourite travel spot?

Everywhere. I love travelling and seeing the beauty in everywhere I go. I’m going back to New Zealand and the Cook Islands in December, I have a feeling I’m yet to see my favorite place!


What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

I had a stint in the Tourism and Hospitality industry managing a resort complex in the Grampians National Park. We used to pick up Kangaroo poo every morning so that the guests wouldn’t trample it into the carpet in their rooms! That was pretty weird!


What does being an Educate Plus member mean to you?

It means making the most of what I am doing at this moment in time! I know that if I need information, inspiration, resources, networks or mentors, they are there at my fingertips.


What are your three most overused words/phrases?

I can see my children now rolling their eyes now……

“If it’s to be it’s up to me!”

“Do unto others as you would have done to yourself”

“Get off that Ipad!! Ipads will not teach you creativity or communications skills!” …..not is written on our wall!!


Tell us something about you that might surprise us.

I am grateful that I used to get called four-eyes at primary school. It has made me the better person that I am today!

Judy – Ann Quilliam
Regional Member Liaison
Director of Marketing and Development
Loreto College Ballarat