PDs/SIGs and Upcoming Events

PDs/SIGs and Upcoming Events

We have an exciting line up of SIGs, PDs and online webinars available for our members. We encourage everyone to join in. There is something for every profession in the Advancement sector and this is a great space to learn and share industry ideas.

April 22 @ 10:30am

Register NOW!

Exclusive for NZ schools, founders of Enquiry Tracker, Greg & Antony Campitelli will take you through the keys to make your Enrolment Journey go from good to great using the very latest in ‘smart’ online technology. Discover how a software platform can deliver you enormous savings in time; provide instant analytics for key reports; create comprehensive audit trails; all the while delivering amazing improvements in customer service.  

April 29 @ 8:00am

Auckland Networking Breakfast

Register NOW!

Auckland members please join us for a networking event to network, share ideas and make new contacts. This is a great opportunity to meet NZ Chapter Educate Plus members and others in the profession in Auckland. 

April 30 @ 10:00am

Waikato Regional Networking Breakfast

Register NOW!

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events where you can meet other Educate Plus members, find out more about how the organisation can support you, network and make new contacts in the Advancement industry. This event is open to members and non-members to meet, mingle, communicate and network.