AI in Education Marketing: 4 Insights and Strategies for Schools

AI in Education Marketing: 4 Insights and Strategies for Schools


Article from Higher Education Marketing


Over the past few months, there has been a lot of talk about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Though it might seem like these tools are new and coming out of nowhere, AI marketing tools have been around for a while, working in the background and helping businesses reach their marketing goals. To keep up with the market, schools looking to develop a strong marketing strategy should start thinking more actively about ways to integrate AI into their lead-generation efforts. If used adequately, AI in education marketing can lead to a turning point for many schools.

Although many institutions are already thinking about the ways in which AI can be used inside the classroom, knowing how to leverage these tools for marketing purposes is becoming a must. From chatbots to language processing and image editing tools, using AI marketing tools can contribute to institutions’ efforts to gain a competitive edge.  Here’s an overview of helpful AI tools and how your school can use them to generate new leads!

Understanding the Use of AI in Education Marketing

A study suggests that 73% of marketers are now using AI-powered tools as part of their marketing campaigns. As AI tools get better, it is clear that they are here to stay and transform the way in which marketing is done. Some platforms like Meta and Google have been using artificial intelligence for some time now for target marketing purposes. Other platforms like HubSpot are now offering a variety of AI-powered tools to help users improve their productivity.

In addition, over the past few years, new AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly have been developed. Although these are not marketing-specific tools, they can be used by marketers to increase their return on investment. But, how can AI help with education marketing?

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