Year 4 Assembly

Last Thursday, Year 4 hosted the Del Monte Assembly. We shared what we have learned in PDH about healthy, safe and active lifestyles with the school community. We started with a whole-school quiz about healthy and unhealthy foods. Everyone was asked to put their hands on their heads if the answer was “yes” and to put their hands on their shoulders if the answer was “no”. Some of the questions included: Is broccoli healthy? Is soft drink healthy?

Then, members from the Year 4 leadership teams presented role-plays about how to be safe and inclusive in the playground. The Service Team demonstrated how to be inclusive in a game of handball and modelled the routine of washing their hands at the end of break times. The Community Team showed how to play fairly and take turns in a game of connect four. Finally, the Stewardship Team highlighted how to keep the school environment safe and clean by packing away lunch boxes into the tubs and picking up leftover rubbish. 

The Year 4 team