Gioia House pastoral

‘Let’s Talk Body Image’ workshop

This week the Gioia House students took part in a workshop ‘Let’s Talk Body Image’ which was delivered by The Butterfly Foundation. The workshop provided students with an opportunity to focus on:

  • strategies to build resilience and improve self-esteem and body confidence
  • understanding the various influences on body image and ways to manage these positively
  • media and social media literacy skills to develop critical thinking to challenge body and appearance ideals, messaging and language
  • modifiable risk factors that underpin the development of more serious body image and eating issues; self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, appearance and weight based teasing, and body comparisons
  • protective factors include the role of friends/peers, the importance of healthy relationships with their body, eating and physical activity, respecting diversity
  • the importance of help-seeking if they are worried for themselves or a friend

Throughout the workshop the students were encouraged to appreciate their bodies and develop ‘Acceptance Talk’ strategies which focus on a positive mindset and appreciating what our bodies do for us. The students responded well to the workshop and the discussion and development of positive strategies will continue in class during Action Girl Pastoral lessons.

Project PEARLS Charity Collection for Manila

During Community Time, Ms Sulis and Scarlett Pane (Year 6 student) presented our Term 3 service initiative calling for donations to support a charity in the Phillipines called Project PEARLS. Project PEARLS stands for Peace, Education, Aspiration, Respect, Love and Smiles. They concentrate their efforts in an area called Tondo in Manila, Philippines. Tondo is a collection of temporary housing slums where people’s homes are mainly built on a rubbish dumpsite which is one of the worst slums in the country. There is no running sewerage, no fresh water, no daily showers and often their homes are severely damaged during typhoons and flooding. 

This term as part of the Gioia House service initiative we will be calling for donations of clothing, shoes, new underwear, new socks, slippers, games, books, novels, soap, dental care, and hygiene products for all age groups. Monetary donations are also accepted. The funds will be used to purchase food where weekly feeding programs are facilitated each Sunday. Mr John Pane is a volunteer for Project PEARLS and will organise the transportation of the donated items to Manila, Philippines. There is a collection tub in front of the Gioia House prayer space. If possible, please donate generously throughout the term for such a worthy cause.

National Day of Action Against Bullying

Friday 18 August was the National Day of Action Against Bullying. The eSafety Commissioner provided an online live webinar, student and teacher resources. As part of our Action Girl Pastoral program, the Gioia House students worked through a variety of scenarios and identified appropriate ways to deal with different situations. Through our Action Girl Pastoral program we encourage the students to communicate with adults, teachers, parents, relatives, friends they trust to help them work through situations as they arise. 

It is important to encourage open and effective communication at home to ensure you build an understanding and trusting relationship with your child. Dr Justin Coulson recommends the following ‘7 ways to really listen so your child shares more

  1. Begin with the end in mind. When your child wants (or needs) to talk, decide at the start what you want them to remember. Do you want them to remember your kindness and compassion? Do you want them to remember your listening ear? Unconditional love is shown by giving complete and unconditional focus.
  2. Minimise distractions. Stop, look, and listen. Stop doing anything else. Put screens away. Be still. Look into her eyes. Your child won’t be able to focus on you if you are a moving target. When they invite you into their lives, they want all of you.
  3. Be open to connection. You might say, ‘I really want to hear what’s on your mind. Tell me what you’re thinking.’ This ensures you send a signal that you’re ready to listen.
  4. Have soft eyes. An elderly grandmother told me it was her favourite parenting advice. When she softened her eyes towards her children she noticed her voice softened, her posture opened, her words became more compassionate, and she stopped hurrying. Soften your tone, your posture, your words, and your timetable by seeing them through loving eyes.
  5. Channel your ideal parent. Think about the best parent you know and listen the way they would talk to their child – or to you. Think how precious this child is to you. This will help your child feel like their thoughts, experiences, and opinions matter.
  6. Aim to build. Regardless of whether your child has done something wrong, find something right and positive. Express appreciation.
  7. Be flexible. Sometimes there’s noise or other interruptions at home. Be willing to go for a walk, grab a treat from the café, or do something together (plant something, water the garden, wash the car). Doing encourages talking.

Find out more at

More information about bullying and getting help:

Action Girls

It has been wonderful seeing so many Gioia House students displaying their Action Girl qualities each day. Our Action Girls are honest, caring, kind and respectful students who act with justice in including and supporting others. We continue to encourage our Gioia House students to strive to be their best selves in all aspects of their lives at school, home and during their extra curricular activities. We call for the students to continue to demonstrate compassion for others and identify ways we can continue to serve others, especially those who are less fortunate than ourselves. 

Congratulations to the following Year 5 Action Girls:
Ava Anderson
Krystelle Beaini
Pippa Dillon
Rose Dwyer
Annalise Elias
Leah Li
Jorja Matthew

Congratulations to the following Year 6 Action Girls:
Lily Dunlop
Emma Elphick
Eloise Hall
Milania Nader
Madison Rice
Emilia Srdanovic
Audrey Williams

Marisa Maks
Assistant Head of Gioia House