IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge 

The competition was fierce at the IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge last week, when speakers from all over Sydney – and a few from outside – reflected on the topic, ‘If only….’ Such a broad stimulus enabled the speakers to talk about anything they wanted, for three minutes. The winners from each of the nine rooms then presented their speeches to a panel of three adjudicators. After lunch, these finalists were given ten minutes to prepare a one-minute speech based on the stimulus, ‘In the future…’ 

Our four speakers from Years 5 and 6 acquitted themselves well. Claire D’Souza was chosen from her room to go to the final round. The winner was an outstanding young speaker from Kambala, whose balance of prepared and impromptu skills won her the unanimous decision of the judges. As well and the honour and glory, she was given the opportunity to donate $100 to a charity of her choice. 

Competing in public speaking competitions gives our students the opportunity to develop the obvious skills of engaging an audience and articulating their opinions clearly and logically. Not so obviously, competing in an activity where the decision is ultimately highly subjective also teaches the participants how to lose graciously. Public speaking can be frustrating and disappointing, but it can also be challenging and liberating…and those of us who love it, keep going back for more! 

The Santa speakers are: Jamie Kordian, Claire D’Souza, Rachel Michael, Isabella Grasso  

Jane Sulis
Coordinator of Outreach