5W – Poetry

Year 5 has been exploring reading, analysing and creating a range of poems. Students have become familiar with the language features used in poems, how to evoke emotion in their writing and be creative. When exploring Limericks, 5 Williams had lots of fun with rhythm, beat and rhyme!

5 Williams Limericks

Gabriella Tadros:
There once was an earring named Dora.
Who wanted to be an Explorer.
She went inside an Ear,
Found Nothing near,
Except for some old Sephora.

Rachel Michael:
There once was a t-shirt from home
Who had a very big gnome
They joined a mob
Called beautiful Bob
But soon had to move to Rome

Mariah Saade:
There once a girl called Mariah 
who sung like a Messiah
her voice was the best
she made it her quest
to join the church choir

Deanna Deligiannis:
There once was an elephant from the ocean
Who decided to concoct a potion
He failed miserably
And flew to Sicily
Where he discovered lotion

Evie Horwood:
There once was a giraffe from France 
Who hated his friend Lance 
So he set up a trap
To catch that chap

But he ended up eating Lance  

Ava Ettorre:
There once was a rat from Italy
Who always thought critically 
She had chocolate
And shoved it in her pocket 
And she lived very happily

Bryony Williams
Year 5 Teacher