Sunday’s Gospel allows us to reflect on the blessings of the poor, the hungry and the sorrowful as well as those who are excluded. As a College and as a new year begins, we remember and reflect once again on our Mercy Values of Compassion, Justice, Respect, Integrity, Hope and Joy! Assisting those who are vulnerable and less fortunate than us, through showing compassion and understanding, is at the heart of everything we do.

For each of those who are blessed, something positive is promised. Laughter is promised for those who weep so choose JOY! As we begin our year together let’s remember to be joyful. Those with joy are filled with spirit, engaging in laughter and happiness. Find joy in the simple things in life. It actually makes you feel really good, to be joyful and brings a smile to those around you. Spread joy!

Show compassion. Enter another’s experience and move to respond. Remember our Jesus Christ and be inspired by Catherine McAuley. Strive to bring their loving kindness to all whom you meet and in all that you do. BE there for those who are in need, BE their shining light. Be a disciple of Jesus and follow Catherine McAuley’s way; we can never say, “it is enough”. Live in hope and with faith. Aim to love and to believe. Believe in others and believe in yourself. As you strive for each of these you will bring much peace for yourself and for those around you.



May God make your year a happy one!
Not by shielding us from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening us to bear it, as it comes;
Not by making our path easy,
But by making us sturdy to travel any path;
Not by taking hardships from us,
But by taking fear from our heart;
Not by granting us unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping our face bright, even in the shadows;
Not by making our life always pleasant,
But by showing us when people and their causes need us most,
and by making us anxious to be there to help.
I give to YOU, God’s love, peace, hope and joy for the wonderful year ahead.

– Author Unknown

Ms Andrews




Elizabeth Shaju, our Faith and Identity Prefect, lead McAuley Ministry in our first gathering for 2022. Joining together for meditation and reflection, the group shared ways to support and strengthen the prayer life of the College. Inspired by the Mercy Values, the team started preparing for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy, Easter Liturgy and organised ways to prepare for the quickly approaching Lenten season. A variety of activities have been organised by the members of McAuley Ministry for all PC groups to participate in over this fasting season. 

Liturgical hymns, dancing and dramatic gospels are being rehearsed for our up and coming Easter Season. Adding a creative touch with the collaboration of Ms Butler (Head of Dramatic Arts & Performance) and Mr Goulter (Head of Music & Performance), McAuley Ministry is excited to continue to enhance the faith life of the College.

All new members are welcome to join McAuley Ministry to become a part of the Formation elements. Meetings are located in A13 on Thursday second break. We welcome those that wish to become Eucharistic Ministers to attend McAuley Ministry Meetings. We continue to pray for all staff and students who are making their Sacraments this season.



Mercy Girls in Action launched into 2022 with the first meeting lead by the Community Service Prefects, Georgia Dagge and Ruby Mitchell. The team started by establishing goals and drafting initiatives to continue the vocation of contributing to Mercy International Works. Mercy Girls in Action will aim to join in the shared response of the wider Catholic community to assist in the ‘Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor’. Caring for our Common Home and Caring for the disadvantaged and vulnerable is at the heart of our mission.

In establishing the overarching goal of Mercy Girls in Action for 2022, the team voiced ways to address Degradation of the Earth and Care for our Common Home. Ruby and Georgia lead the discussion for all members to collaborate and share ideas. They were successful in creating an environment for students to elevate their voice on social justice issues. Many issues were posed and we had an outstanding response by all members.

We look forward to launching Caritas in Week 6 as part of our Project Compassion initiative. Project Compassion boxes will be coming home during this time.

Mercy Girls in Action continue to be an empowered community of passionate young women striving to make the world a better place for girls and women. On February 20, we acknowledged the World Day of Social Justice inviting all new students to become a part of the Mercy Girls in Action team to continue to support the poor and vulnerable, and embed sustainable practices to ensure the earth is cared for, for future generations.

Ms Veukiso