It is wonderful to look out of my office window and see the Courtyard filled with students.  The joyful buzz and chatter of the girls brings joy to my day.  I hope your daughters have enjoyed a positive and happy start to the new year. 

Research shows that people who witness or benefit from someone’s kindness and compassion are also more likely to be kind themselves.  People’s joy from giving to others creates a ‘positive feedback loop’.  The more you give, the more positive you feel.  This, in turn, fuels more happiness and joy.  It has been pleasing to witness the acts of kindness our students have shared this year, bringing joy to others by welcoming new students and supporting each other in a warm, friendly and generous manner. 

On Saturday, 19 February, Ms Maguire ran a very engaging and successful planning day with our 2022 Leadership group. The Prefects worked collaboratively to create their leadership goals for the year; Sisu was very much at the heart of this planning. They are determined to find ways to help the student body be resilient and show compassion, but most of all, they hope to help others’ find joy.

Maria Franettovich