Director of Students

Director of Students

Maria Franettovich


The importance of staying connected has been the focus for each of the Heads of House during this time of Learning@Home.  They have created a variety of online challenges to engage the students in their House to maintain connections.  This week I have asked each Head of House to share what they have been doing in their House to foster “Staying Connected”. 


Dominations House

Dominations House filled their first weeks of Term 2 with an array of green of every shade and tone. Students from the House were invited to photograph anything green in their surroundings to submit into the Doms Mosaic Project – an idea designed to keep us connected, work together and to create something beautiful.

The response was incredible – over 400 entries were submitted via the Learning Hub, all of which will be put together to create a huge green mosaic artwork than we can keep as a reminder of this unique time in our lives.

The project was run as a PC competition, each photo submitted by a student (or enthusiastic PC teacher) earned a point for their PC class, and the results are as follows:

  • 6th place with 4 entries – Doms 6
  • 5th place with 17 entries – Doms 5
  • 4th place with 67 entries – Doms 2
  • 3rd place with 71 entries – Doms 4
  • 2nd place with a huge contribution of 119 entries – Doms 3
  • 1st place with a staggering 140 entries – Doms 1

Congratulations to Ms Martens and all members of Doms 1, especially those who were actively engaged in the project. Miss Towers will now spend some time creating the final artwork which will be made into a banner to be proudly displayed in our House area. See if you can spot your photo entries somewhere in there!


Powers House

Powers House is staying connected with various online activities which link to our House words of Challenge, ‘Persevere and ‘Inspire.

“SUN’S OUT; GUNS OUT!” is our Persevere activity. In a literal show of strength through these uncertain times, we’ve asked the Powers Girls to send in a picture of their bicep decorated with either a yellow rose or the word, “POWERS”. As young women, we are strong, powerful and resilient; together, we can do this! We’ve had some great entries – here’s a colourful entry from Laura Fraser in Year 8 (Mr Wallace’s PC Group).

Thanks, Laura! Even the Powers PC teachers will be adding their own pictures to the forum! We’ll use all the images to create poster for Term 2. The “SUN’S OUT; GUNS OUT!” photo activity ends on Friday, Week 3.

Our next online activity – “THE POWER OF LOVE” celebrates the quality of Inspire. PC teachers will explain how this works in the Friday Feedback session next week and we can’t wait to see what the students submit.


Princes House

Princes have been keeping engaged by Zooming in with check-ins with their PC teachers and PC sisters.  Princes 1 had a pet party with Ms Pollard during Feedback Friday last week – it was great to meet all of our beloved furry friends.  The rest of the house are encouraged to submit a picture of their pets this week, as we are creating a Pet’s Mosaic on the Learning Hub. 


Thrones House

Thrones have been engaging online through the weekly challenges and Thrones Specialist Groups. The Fitness Group has been a hit with many students challenging themselves in the 3km run it challenge. Clara Deer and Grace Burbidge hold the top times for week 1 and 2. Our first fortnightly challenge saw students submit Artistic Representations which centred on our focus word of Mercy. It was beautiful to see a number of submissions for Anzac Day. A stand out was the beautiful Poppy Artworks created by Ella Hall and Grace Burbidge.

Moving into Week 3 and 4 our new focus word is ‘Joy’ and we are encouraging students to submit pictures of their pets to add to our already started Pet Pics Mosaic. What better way to spark joy then our furry friends. Keep up the Thrones spirit ladies and #stayconnected