Holiday Workshops

Holiday Workshops

Holiday Workshops will be offered from Thursday 22 June, to Year 12 boys for the upcoming vacation. These have successfully provided boys with a structure that complements their individual study programmes.

Each three-hour Holiday Workshop session will cover important HSC topics in that subject. A mix of strategies will be used to maximise learning: revision lecture, structured tutorial and discussion. Workshops will generally be limited to a minimum of seven and a maximum of approximately 20 boys. A fee of $70 (including GST) will be charged per (three-hour) workshop, representing excellent value compared to externally run HSC lecture courses. Boys are encouraged strongly to make good use of the workshops and are expected to stay until the end of each workshop.

A selection form will be handed to each boy in Year 12 and is to be returned to Ms Ducrou, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Headmaster – Academic. Boys may choose as many sessions as they like. Every attempt will be made to accommodate all boys, but it might be necessary to restrict the number of boys in a particular workshop, depending upon demand. This will be done on a first-come, first-served basis.

Charges will be made to the next fee statement on a no-refund basis.

A list of all available workshops will be available through the school’s portal, Lampada, from Friday 2 June.

Boys will not be required to wear school uniforms.

Boys are not encouraged to drive to school for the workshops. However, if they do drive, they are not allowed to park on school property under any circumstances.

We hope each boy will participate in the workshops, which, according to boys in the Classes of 1999-2022, contributed well to their success at the HSC examinations.

I M Middleton
Assistant Director of Studies