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Chaplains Chat

The Engaruka School Project 

The week in Chapel we had the privilege of having Professor Jonathan Morris come and speak to our students. Our Community Chaplain Rev. Dr Nick Foord interviewed Professor Morris about an exciting project that he is involved in.  

Six years ago, Professor Morris and his wife visited the Arusha region of Tanzania on a family trip that was planned before the death of their 15-year-old son Marcus (who was at Shore at the time). On that trip, the local community shared their desire to have a school closer to their home, as the students had to walk for up to six hours each day to reach the closest school. Jonathan and his wife resolved to build a school in memory of Marcus. The planning and development of this school is underway, and this Term in Chapel, our giving will go towards the continuation of this build.  

Professor Morris noted that as a Christian he is compelled by God’s love to seek to love those around him. This has been crucial in the drive and determination to contribute to this School. As such we are asking our Shore students next week to bring the means to Chapel to help contribute to this very worthy cause.

To give in life is a good and important thing to do. Flourishing relationships in any sphere of life involve giving and an outward focus. We can give in so many ways to others around us including with our time, energies and resources. In many ways, it is a fundamental response as a Christian to be generous and give. As John 3: 18 tells us, ‘let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.’ Of course, all this springs out of the love that God has shown us in Jesus. We have a good opportunity to give next week in Chapel to help those in Tanzania.  

Rev. Anthony Benn 