Year 9 English students go on a novel adventure

Year 9 English students go on a novel adventure

This term, Year 9 English students joined a new class to study a novel that would take them into another world. My class ventured down the mighty Mississippi with Huckleberry Finn. One fun activity we did was make our own raft. Students had to use whatever they could find in their backyard or kitchen. Here is what some of the students thought about their creations:

“I’m so proud of my raft because I have the wigwam with a pillow and blankets for night time and I have a bottle of water to represent the whiskey from the novel. I also have wood for a fire. I used a bug catcher as a light and finally grabbed some of my favourite snacks. It is even dog friendly!”Grace Childs

“I’m so proud of my raft because it took a really long time to find all the right size sticks for the raft!” – Audrey Heiss

“I’m so proud of my raft because it floated! I was surprised because I thought it would most definitely sink, fortunately it did not.” – Margaret Oszywa

“I’m so proud of my raft because I challenged myself when deciding to make it. I am overall really happy with the outcome of my creation, as it clearly presents itself as looking like the raft from Huckleberry Finn. The raft managed to taste good, which definitely excited me as I realised my creation was successful.” – Taya Mastrogiannis


Karen Horder
Assistant English Coordinator