Year 8 Students in TIMMS Assessment Participation

Year 8 Students in TIMMS Assessment Participation

We are excited to share the news of a number of our Year 8 students’ active participation in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) assessment on 20 November 2023. TIMSS is a global benchmarking test that evaluates the mathematics and science knowledge of students from around the world.

A number of Year 8 students demonstrated commendable engagement during the assessment, showcasing not only their individual commitment but also the high standard of education provided here at St Ursula’s. The TIMSS assessment serves as a valuable tool to measure and compare our students’ performance on an international scale, providing insights into our education system’s effectiveness.

The dedication of our teaching staff and the active involvement of our students are evident in their enthusiastic participation in the TIMSS assessment. We want to extend our appreciation to each student who took part in this international evaluation.

As we continue to foster a culture of learning and excellence at St Ursula’s, we look forward to more opportunities for our students to actively engage in global assessments. The TIMSS participation has not only highlighted our students’ commitment to academic growth but also reinforced our dedication to providing a world-class education that prepares them for success in an ever-evolving world.

Thank you to our Year 8 students for their active participation in the TIMSS assessment. We are confident that this experience will contribute to their continued growth and success.

Heather Jesuadian
Leader of Teaching and Learning Innovation