Above Average Results in the Archdiocesan Religious Education Tests

Above Average Results in the Archdiocesan Religious Education Tests

We have received the results of the Archdiocesan Religious Education Tests for Years 8 and 10, which were held in week 1 of the term. These tests were online for the first time this year.  The test in Year 8 examines the work of the whole of stage 4, which means it includes content from Years 7 and 8. The test in Year 10 examines the work of the whole of stage 5, which means it includes content from Years 9 and 10.

I can report that we are significantly above average in both years, as has been the great tradition at the College.

In Year 10 we achieved 10 High Distinctions, 69 Distinctions, 81 Credits and 25 Participation certificates. We had 185 students sit the test with an average of 32.2/50, while the Archdiocese average was 29.2/50. Our highest score was 45/50 and lowest was 14/50.

In Year 8 we achieved 19 High Distinctions, 61 Distinctions, 81 Credits and 19 Participation certificates. We had 180 students sit the test with an average score of 32.6/50, while the Archdiocese average was 29.1/50. Our highest score was 47/50 and lowest was 10/50.

Students will now receive these certificates next year. Each student will receive a certificate, a report with a breakdown of their results into the strands with a comparison to the Archdiocesan average, and a page with the analysis of the question with content area assessed, question number, their answer, the correct answer and a percentage of how many candidates got the question correct.

For our analysis we have the results in class breakdowns and breakdowns into strands. It is interesting to note that our students are above archdiocesan averages in the Strands 

A – Scripture and Jesus

B – Church and Community

D – Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments

and closer to average on

C – God, Religion and Life

E – Morality and Justice.

I’d like to thank the Religious Education teachers at the College for their work in preparing the students for these tests. Thank you to the Year 7 and 9 teachers from 2022 and the Year 8 and 10 teachers of 2023. We are very pleased with the results.

Julie Monk 
Religious Education Coordinator