Year 7 Reflection Day

Year 7 Reflection Day

On Monday 4 March Year 7 took part in their first Reflection Day at the College with a theme of the Ursuline value of Acceptance, Diversity, Inclusivity and Affirmation. Students engaged in activities in large groups and PC classes with their PC teachers to explore the concepts and how they apply to their lives at the school with the scripture focus of John 13:20  “Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.” 

Our Year 7 students responded very positively and are to be congratulated for their high levels of participation and enthusiasm on the back. I’d like to thank the Year 7 PC staff, Ms Chronopoulos, Ms Murray and Mrs Nader for their invaluable assistance on the day.

Julie Monk
Religious Education Coordinator