Here’s why we are fundraising for Project Compassion

Here’s why we are fundraising for Project Compassion

Inspired by our Ursuline charism, and as a living dynamic Parish, we aim to develop an understanding of justice issues and heighten our sensitivity and awareness to the needs of others living within situations of poverty and disadvantage. As a community we then aim to give practical support through actions of solidarity.

Our school is raising funds to help support Project Compassion, Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising campaign. Project Compassion brings together supporters from across Australia to address the challenges of poverty today, and drive lasting change for a better tomorrow.

Join us to help support remote and vulnerable communities across Asia, Africa, the Pacific and in Australia. Your generosity today can help communities access clean water, food security, skills training, health and sanitation and disaster risk reduction training.

Together with your support, we can create lasting change today, and For All Future Generations.

Who are we supporting?


After the birth of her children, 22-year-old Ronita was at risk of having to leave school permanently. But with the support of Caritas Australia’s partners in the Philippines, she resumed her studies and secured a job at a call centre to support her family.







Not having access to clean water for their daily lives has caused Leaia and her extended family a lot of worry and anxiety. Caritas Australia supported the installation of a water tank at their home, improving their health and living conditions.







As the eldest child in a low-income farming family, Memory faced many barriers to her education. But with the support of Caritas Australia she enrolled in a technical school and became the first female carpenter in her village.






We will be holding a regular Tuesday morning collection in PC classes. I have been asked by many families how they could support the work of Caritas. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and this is a worthwhile organisation to support as part of Lenten Almsgiving. 

We have created a College fundraising page and invite you to male your donation under our College page:

St Ursula’s College Caritas Fundraising Page






Antoinette Nader
Assistant REC & Youth Ministry Coordinator