Vinnies School Sleepout

Vinnies School Sleepout

On any given night in Australia 122,000 Australians are experiencing homelessness. Vinnies provides vulnerable people with essential support to rebuild their lives and reconnect with the community. Together with Vinnies, you have the power to shape awareness and inspire action in your own community and can help make a real difference in the lives of the 1 in 208 people experiencing homelessness every night in Australia. 

We are once again hosting a Serviam Sleepout on Friday 28 June to raise much needed funds for our local Vinnies Conference.  This year we are collecting donations and sponsorship money electronically. The QR code is included for you to share among your networks and the link here is live.

All donations above $2 are tax deductible. 

It is a wonderful evening where we raise much needed funds for the Kingsgrove Conference. We will be packing snack packs and toiletry packs, listening to some amazing guest speakers and coming together in prayer and solidarity. More information will be shared early Term 2. 

Antoinette Nader
Assistant REC & Youth Ministry Coordinator