TAS News

TAS News

Welcome to the TAS Agriculture Garden

As autumn’s cooler temperatures settled in, it was finally time to start planting seeds into the new TAS Agriculture Garden. Year 8 students, as part of their mandatory Technology studies, will now experience the basics of successful edible gardening; from understanding climate, soil and propagation as well as collecting and analysing data.



The Year 11 Enterprise Computing students are also actively engaged in the garden. They are developing custom apps that will be able to log plant data, which will be accessible on student mobile and laptop devices. The Year 8 students will use these apps to input data that they will record throughout the year; such as soil moisture, pH levels, plant height and other important information. Students will be able to see the growth of their plants in terms of recorded data to better understand optimum growing conditions and the environmental factors of the TAS Agriculture Garden.

We look forward to sharing our results with the wider SCEGGS community when we harvest and enjoy the crops we have grown.


The TAS Department