Presentation for parents on managing the online world

Presentation for parents on managing the online world

We often have parents asking about what they can do to manage social media usage in their homes. On the evening of Thursday March 12, Ms Susan McLean and Dr Michael Carr-Gregg will be speaking to interested parents about how they can manage the online world. This event is being held at Kincoppal Rose Bay and run by Momentum First.

The presentation is, “an Australian-first parent evening which answers the myriad questions that exercise the minds of contemporary parents. In conversation with two of Australia’s leading lights in cyber-safety, child and adolescent psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and acclaimed cyber cop Ms Susan McLean, a debate unfolds around the country in which the boundaries are not always clear and simple.

In this conversation, Dr Carr-Gregg and Ms McLean will debate some of the most pressing issues we as parents and carers are facing with our screenagers and what they are seeing in schools right now across Australia. Moderated by Ms Brigitte Johnson, executive coach, author and parent of three, we will debate the pointy issues of today.”

You can find out more about the event here including topics covered and pricing.


Bethany Lord
Director of Pastoral Care