International Women’s Day in the Secondary School – Presentation by Marlee Silva

International Women’s Day in the Secondary School – Presentation by Marlee Silva

As part of International Women’s Day celebrations in the Secondary School, Years 10 and 11 heard from Marlee Silva. Marlee is a young Indigenous woman from the Gamilaroi and Dunghutti nations. She spoke with honesty about her life experiences that have helped to form her into the woman she is today. The influence of her great grandmother as well as the support of many women in her life are at the core of her being. In acknowledging and affirming the positive roles models she has had in her life, Marlee spoke about having a responsibility to help bring change to this world through her platform as a storyteller. Marlee inspired the group to honour the skills they have been blessed with and use these as instruments for change. Her message of seeing each other as sisters  and not competitors was a powerful message of hope for a better world for women, with change coming from how we see one another. We also learned of how important giving back through social justice work is to forming and shaping our characters. It was an honour to listen to Marlee, to be challenged to see a different world for ourselves through considering how we see and approach the women in our lives, and to continue to work for fighting injustices using the skills and talents we have.

Dynielle Whitney
Head of Religious Education and Social Justice Co-ordinator