From the Chaplain

From the Chaplain

Two new lunchtime groups!!

For several years, SCEGGS has offered the opportunity for students to get together at lunchtime to discuss issues related to religion, God and the Christian faith. We have two new groups starting this term which are open to all students regardless of what type of faith background you might come from or if you don’t know what you believe. It’s a place to ask questions and explore some of those things we all think about. Both groups are run by Ms Jennifer Coleby, one of our Religious Education teachers. “Glow” is the group in the Primary School for Years 4 to 6. It will happen every Monday at lunchtime in the 5W classroom. “Eunoia” is the group for all students in Years 7 to 12 and will be held every Friday in my office. It is a relaxed space to ask deeper questions about God, life, everything. The word “Eunoia” comes from Ancient Greek and means “a well mind, spiritual thinking”. Please let me or Ms Coleby know if you have any questions.


The SCEGGS Podcast “Walk The Mile” Episode 21: Raiders of the Lost Archivist!

One of the more specialist positions that we have at SCEGGS is our school archivist, Prue Heath. What does a school archivist do you might ask? In this episode, we hear about the origins of the School, the importance of history for the present and the significance and learning from past stories. And a reminder that we are published on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcast and Deezer, so you can access it easier from your preferred device. I always welcome your feedback and appreciate your encouragement. You will find each podcast as they are produced in this newsletter and on the other platforms as well as our website.

Rev. Garry Lee-Lindsay
School Chaplain