Go Greener-Cutlery Library

Go Greener-Cutlery Library

In the SCEGGS cafeteria we go through approximately 100 bamboo spoons, forks and knives each day. While they are compostable, they are still a single use item. We would like to trial a cutlery library and need your help. If you have any old or non-matching cutlery at home, would you consider donating this to our cutlery library? The idea is to have a collection of metal cutlery at school which the girls could use and then return to collection point in the cafeteria for washing each day. If you would like to donate some knives, fork or spoons please leave them in the containers in the General Office and the Primary Office.

World Environmental Day Activities

An assembly last Monday morning, began our World Environment Day Celebrations. Nicola Allen, our Maailma Captain, and Perri Lawrence with Josie Wheater from the Primary Enviro girls, gave a passionate and eloquent address to the school community on the theme #OnlyOneEarth.

The girls raised around $540 through a few activities. On Monday, for a gold coin donation, students could get a hot chocolate in a keep cup. In the secondary school on Thursday, we ran a second hand uniform sale for $5 per item. The Enviro Girls will donate the World Environment Day money to Bush Heritage Australia.


Congratulations to Camille Asher in Year 7 who won the #OnlyOneEarth banner design competition! A group of girls painted her design on fabric as part of our activities. Other students contributed to our Hands for the Environment banner with affirmations of what they could personally do for the environment.


A wonderful way to celebrate World Environment Day!

Susan Zipfinger
Sustainability Co-ordinator