B Kinder Day

B Kinder Day

Next Wednesday, the Primary School will be celebrating B Kinder Day. We have celebrated this day for several years, aiming to inspire the girls to make positive change in the world. We all know the world could use a little more kindness, so the purpose of B Kinder Day is to discuss kindness and to empower the girls to see that they each have the capacity to make a difference.

Each student is asked to bring a gold coin donation for Fly High Billie and invited to wear mufti clothes in either bright, rainbow colours (in line with the B Kinder logo), or in clothing with kindness-themed messages.

The girls will engage in a range of activities in classes throughout the day including a Kindness-themed K-6 Assembly. In the afternoon, we will come together in House Families to participate in a special activity supporting empathy and generosity – we will be holding a “Great Book Swap”! Supporting The Indigenous Literacy Foundation, The Great Book Swap is designed to raise funds to gift culturally relevant books to children living in remote communities. To participate in this event, your daughter is invited to bring a pre-loved book to school from Friday 17 June. We ask that these are in good conditions and that a maximum of two books is donated.

Then, on B Kinder Day the girls will swap their book for another title, recommended, and donated by someone else. The girls are asked to bring along an additional gold coin to participate and support this worthwhile initiative or further donations can be made via the link above. Information will be shared with the girls in House Families this week and additional reminders posted on Seesaw.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Mrs Karen McBride regarding The Great Book Swap.

Rebecca Woodcock
Acting Head of Student Wellbeing