From the Primary School

From the Primary School

It was so wonderful to be able to welcome so many Dads, Grandfathers, and significant male figures into the Primary School on Thursday morning for our Father’s Day Breakfast. This was the first “in real life” Father’s Day breakfast we have been able to have, so it was an absolute delight to be joined by over 200 people who enjoyed a range of tasty treats for breakfast, barista coffee from a coffee cart, playing games together on the playground, making key fobs from nuts and bolts and listening to a beautiful singing performance by our K-2 girls.

It was a very special morning, and we thank everyone who was able to join us.

A big thank you goes to Ms Woodcock for her help in organising the event.

Helen Dempsey
Head of Primary

Stage 3 Concert Information

We are very excited to present our Stage 3 Concert in The Great Hall on Thursday 15 September at 6pm which will be a showcase of our music classes, choirs and shared love of music.

This concert will include performances by the entire Stage 3 cohort, featuring class items, massed Stage 3 Choirs featuring Strings and Percussion, with additional performances by the Ukulele Ensemble, Cantare Choir and solos.

Each Year 6 and 5 student is expected to attend and take part in the performance. We would love all parents and families to attend.

Please note there will also be a daytime performance which all Primary School students will attend.

Performance day arrangements:
Thursday 15 September
  • Students will go home after school as usual, eat a light meal, and should be dropped off at the Diana Bowman gate at 5.30pm.
  • Students who would normally attend After School Care will be escorted to the Great Hall by a staff member who will also assist in helping them prepare for the performance.
  • Students playing in the Strings, Ukulele and Percussion Ensembles will leave their instrument at school on Thursday afternoon ready for the evening performance.

Commencing at 6pm, the performance will run for approximately 1 hour.

Car Park

The Joan Freeman car park will be open to all parents form 5.30pm. The car park will close promptly after the conclusion of the event at 8pm.

  • All students will perform in their Winter Uniform WITHOUT their Blazer.
  • Students must bring with them their labelled sports bag with a water bottle that has been filled, a quiet, small snack and a jumper or blazer for them to wear in between items if they are cold.

Following the show, Year 6 girls will be dismissed from the courtyard and the Year 5 girls from inside the Great Hall. Students are asked to wait in their designated area at the rear of the Great Hall until they have been dismissed by a staff member. In the event of wet weather, students will be kept in the Great Hall and dismissed from the side door. 

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any queries regarding the arrangements. Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you at the show.

Lanneke Jones
Primary School Music Teacher