From the Chaplain

From the Chaplain

I just wanted to let you all know that I continue to pray for each of you and those around you as we go through this time of uncertainty and change. I am sure that this pandemic has hit us all in a variety of ways and can be unsettling for a whole range of reasons. Our community is a strong one and even though we may be operating from a distance, it is important that we remain close and connected. We will need each other more than ever but we also remember those outside of our walls. I have noticed the most isolated before this outbreak have become even more isolated. Lots of welfare agencies have shut down and people’s loneliness is being magnified. I am thinking about ways in which we might be able to reach out to those that we have been able to serve for so many years. If you are interested or have some ideas I would love to hear from you. Thank you to those who have already asked about caring for the most vulnerable.

I continue to be your Chaplain (whether you like it or not) and your wellbeing is of my concern. That is for all of our community: students, staff, old girls, whoever. If you need to chat, via whatever medium you would prefer, I am more than happy to do that. Feel free to send me an email  and we can make a time. As I mentioned, I think connection is key in times like this. Last week in Chapel I shared this prayer with the students:


God of all Creation

We pray for the situation we find our world in today.

We ask that the spread of the coronavirus would be slowed down and eventually stopped.

We pray that you would give comfort to those people that are suffering with the virus, for those that have lost loved ones due to it, for those who are effected economically and for those who are generally anxious about the consequences of this outbreak.

We pray for all those in isolation at this moment and we ask that you would help them mentally and emotionally as they go through this difficult stage.

Help us within our communities, whether they be in our neighborhoods, our school or our wider global community to be loving and compassionate in these uncertain times. As we face a changed and different world, let us be patient with one another and approach each other with grace and humility.

We ask all this in Jesus name


I know that we aren’t all people who pray but I hope that this prayer might provide comfort to some.

Take care and may God give you peace.


Rev. Garry Lee-Lindsay
School Chaplain