Food Saving Ideas from the Maailma Environment Committee

Food Saving Ideas from the Maailma Environment Committee

Now that more of us are learning at home, here are some ideas from Maailma to make your food last longer:

Feta Cheese

Place your feta cheese in a glass jar and fill the jar with ½ canoloa oil and ½ olive oil. Add some rosemary, peppercorn or chilli for flavour. Keep refrigerated.

Make your own yoghurt


  • 500ml milk
  • 1-2 tablespoons of commercial yoghurt with a live culture
  • 2 tablespoons of milk power (optional)
  • 1 sterilised jar


  • Place the milk and milk powder in a saucepan. Stir and bring to the boil until the milk foams and rising up the sides of the saucepan. Remove immediately
  • Let it cool for about 20 minutes until you can hold your knuckle in for roughly 30 seconds without burning yourself
  • When cooled enough, remove the skin and whisk in the yoghurt
  • Pour into the sterilised jar and seal
  • Wrap the jar in a tea towel and leave in a warm spot for approximately eight hours until solid
  • Refrigerate
  • Lasts roughly two weeks
  • Save enough to make the next batch


Other ideas:

  • Stew any fruit that is beginning to turn using water, brown sugar and spices like cinnamon, ginger and star anise. Enjoy with your homemade yoghurt
  • Make banana bread with old bananas and freeze

Remember try to buy only what you are going to eat. Oz Harvest tell us that bread and lettuce are the two most wasted products in Australia. Bread can be frozen. If your lettuce goes off, make sure it is composted. If it is left in the plastic bag and sent to landfill, it can take 25 years to decompose.

Maailma Environment Committee