Jaricot Week

Earlier this term, the College joined together in a sea of pink to celebrate Jaricot Week. Our newly inducted Captains prepared a number of events and activities to raise awareness of the works of Pauline Jaricot and to provide opportunities for students to come together for some much-needed fun. 
All MSCW students were encouraged to wear a pink ribbon throughout the week, which was great to see. Tuesday and Friday saw our tutor groups share a moment of prayer with a couple of beautifully prepared prayers by our new Liturgy Captain, Daniella. Wednesday had some heated competition between the houses and staff, with each house putting forward a dodgeball team. As expected, Jaricot came out on top, taking the teachers down in the final. We rounded off the week with an amazing spread of treats for our Jaricot House Bake Sale which raised over $550 for Catholic Mission. 
A huge thank you to our new Captains, Camille, Claudia and Daniella, for their hard work and preparation along with everyone who played dodgeball, wore a ribbon or contributed to the bake sale! 

Mr David Greenwell, Jaricot House Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8