Gifted and Talented Report

ICAS Assessments

Congratulations to the following students on their performance in the ICAS assessments for English and Science:

English – Distinction
  • Annika Hollings
  • Lydia Lok
  • Evie Lange
  • Harriet O’Connor
  • Elizabeth Cappetta
  • Charlotte Dickerson
Science – Distinction
  • Sienna McCarthy

Is your daughter twice-exceptional?

“Twice-exceptional” is a term used to describe students who are academically gifted with another diagnosis. The second diagnosis may prevent their ability and as such underachievement may occur.

The second diagnosis could be ADHD, Autism, vision/hearing impairment, dyslexia, dysgraphia or a whole range of other disorders or challenges.

Recognising our twice-exceptional students is essential and providing support in their learning and assessments is critical if these students are to succeed at school.

Twice-exceptionality requires specialised identification from health professionals such as psychologists and paediatricians. These health professionals then work with us to guide teachers on how to best support the student and provide an understanding of how their brain works.

I highly recommend you read the following article and if you have a child who has ADHD, then subscribe to this site and enrol for the excellent zooms for parents to assist with supporting your child. 

If you require information please contact me. We can advise you on the steps in assessing different disorders.


Mrs Colreavy’s Conundrum

What number should replace the question mark?

Email: with your answer and win a prize!

Taken from:


Mrs Rachael Colreavy, Newman Facilitator, Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8