Colin Week

In Week 6, the College celebrated the blessed life of our Colin House Patron, Jean-Claude Colin:
Jean-Claude Colin was the founder of the Marist Fathers – priests and brothers of the Society of Mary. Born at the close of the 18th Century in revolution-torn France, Jean-Claude was convinced that the Blessed Virgin wanted a group of men and women to do her work in the world at a time of turmoil and challenge. With this inspiration he forged the way for a new family of consecrated religious and of laity in the Church – the Marist family. Under his leadership, as founder and father, Marist missionaries would proclaim Christ’s message in Mary’s gentle spirit ‘on whatever distant shore’ to which they were sent.
Marist Fathers
To acknowledge Jean-Claude Colin’s contribution to our Marist life and all that is Colin House, the College joined in various activities to celebrate throughout the week.
On Monday during Tutor Group, we saw a race to complete the Colin Quiz. A big congratulations to the top Tutor Groups in each House for taking out the prize. Wednesday at lunch saw Colin Chill. This was a great opportunity for students to enjoy some down-time with Colin themed mindfulness colouring-in, the story of the Lion and the Mouse integral to Colin House, and calming music. On Friday, the College enjoyed the famous Colin Cake Sale which was thoroughly appreciated by the MSCW community. A big thank you to the generous and talented Colin family and friends who made the delicious treats for us to savour.

Ms Grace Spurr, Colin House Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #3, #5 & #11