15 Oct 2021

Year 7 English Newman Project

Recipe Poems

In the Year 7 English Newman class, students have been learning how to write different types of poetry in a unit called ‘Introduction to Poetry’.

During our time in lockdown, Miss Mokdassi set a Newman project for the class, which allowed students to engage in a complete experience of poetry writing. This task was called ‘Recipe Poems’ and it was a very entertaining activity! The goals for this activity in lockdown were to create a learning experience away from their devices, be creative, engage in some bonding time with a family member and then write about their experience in the form of a poem. 

Students had to follow a recipe with the assistance of an adult in the household and then write a poem explaining the steps of the recipe, including their overall emotional experience of creating something with a loved one. Along with this, students needed to submit a picture of the dish.

I was ecstatic to make this recipe because It was a completely new experience. I made jelly towers and this task allowed me to bond with my mother by making us interact with each other and challenged us to try something new. Building the jelly towers at the end was my favourite part, since I got to choose the shapes of the jelly. From the poetry writing, I learnt how to effectively write a recipe description, while still making it amusing to read by applying the skills I learnt in poetry writing within this unit. This activity also allowed me to extend my writing skills by learning how to convert one text type into another. 

This was a fantastic learning experience and I am looking forward to engaging with more Newman activities in the future. Here is my recipe poem.   By Amanda Dawoud, 7 English Newman

Miss Mokdassi, Newman Teacher