19 Aug 2016

From the Principal


Dear members of the Mary MacKillop Catholic College community,

The first two weeks of this term have been rich in experiences as you can see from this newsletter. The celebrations of learning and attendance, the respectful manner in which the students returned to school motivated and well presented and the excitement of sharing our faith across the world with World Youth Day have been a particular joy to me. We are a community blessed with richness.

This week our Year 12 students are participating in the HSC Trial exams. Teachers and students have been working diligently throughout this year in building confidence and an understanding of the growth in achievement that will come from the experience of the trial exams.

The teachers have voluntarily given of their time each afternoon to the twilight study sessions held in the IMC. I visited last week and saw energized teachers and dedicated students working together to maximize the learning in preparation for these exams. It was a relaxed and very collegial community of learners that I saw. Students were happy to ask questions and share their ideas with each other and teachers were energized by the enthusiasm of the students.

I am very proud of the staff for the partnerships they have built with our Year 12 students and of the students for their willingness to take on challenges.

I wish them all the best for their exams and look forward to further developments in the confidence and dedication that they have been demonstrating throughout the year.

God Bless,

Narelle Archer
