10 Apr 2017

From the Leader of Student Learning

We have come to the end of a very busy term. Our students have adjusted to a new timetable structure, been asked to check and action documents online, sit for and complete assessment tasks and Year 12 have navigated their Half Yearly examinations.

Term 2 sees NAPLAN in Week 3 for Year 7 and Year 9 and you should have received information about this via your daughter. Week 3 also has Stage 6 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews. The link for the information flyer (which has already been placed on the student’s google classroom, Skoolbag and the website) is below. Online bookings will be open from 9am on Monday 24th April. We are trialling this form of bookings and would appreciate some feedback on the night. As always, if you are unable to make the evening, please send a note to your daughter’s Coordinator of Learning – Year before the evening. These times are very important to talk to the teacher’s about your daughter and see how she is going, and how she can improve.


School Interviews Online for 10th May 2017

Year 11, then will attempt their Half Yearly Examinations in Week 5 and part of Week 6. To assist with this we are offering some study sessions in the IMC on Monday-Thursday of Week 4. Mrs Orlando will provide more details shortly.

REMINDER: All information regarding Assessment including the Assessment handbook, the Assessment Calendar and the appeals process can be found on the website and is also on Skoolbag. It is vital that all students have read this material and they (and you) are familiar with the processes if for any legitimate reason there is an issue in completing or sitting for an Assessment Task.

As we wrap up Term 2, Year 10 will also begin the process of subject selection for Year 11, 2018. Begin the conversation with them know about Stage 6 and completing a Higher School Certificate (HSC).

Please continue to support your daughter’s and the staff by monitoring homework through the diary as well as using it as a tool for communication.

Enjoy your time together this Easter.

Michelle Israel, Leader of Learning Student Learning