10 Apr 2017

Community Engagement News

As Term 1 draws to a close, I would like to thank all our Community Service providers for their ongoing support. Our students and parents have enjoyed the programs presented to them.

Strong Minds and Catholic Care ran a very successful workshop, “Tuning into Teens”. Parents have learned tips in emotional coaching, becoming detectives of their adolescents’ emotions. When I dropped in for a visit last Thursday, the parents were deep in conversation, sharing their personal experiences and parenting skills. This was even before the workshop started!

Thank you to Jessica and Jacqui for providing this valuable opportunity to our parents and to Mrs Vivian Matti for her interpreting skills.

Below are a few photos of the participants and presenters getting ready for the workshop.

A reminder to all students and families about the Bring it On! festival at Fairfield Showground this weekend, organized by Fairfield City Council. The girls have received flyers earlier in the week advertising the event.

There are so many opportunities for our students to take part in both at the College and those in the wider community. We are very fortunate to have them.

I wish everyone a joyous Easter, a safe and enjoyable holiday and look forward to sharing other community engagement news with you all next term.

Mrs Gesson, Leader of Learning, Community Engagement