13 May 2021

From the Assistant Principal – Mrs Harding

Stage 6 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

It has been a very busy start to the term, with many learning opportunities being given to our girls on a regular basis. Our Stage 6 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will take place on Tuesday 25th May from 4.00pm – 8.30pm.

Students will be asked to complete a reflection sheet in class prior to these interviews. Self-assessment and self-reflection enhance a student’s learning potential. By providing students with a time and place for reflection, we aim to empower them as learners and thinkers. Reflection on their studies and progress allows our students to identify areas of improvement and build skills in critical thinking that they can apply when they are problem-solving and learning on their own. Please find below an example of the reflection questions:

  • Identify the skills you have developed in Semester 1 which can help you progress in Semester 2.
  • Identify the positive learning habits you have applied that are allowing you to progress towards greater achievement in Semester 2 and into Stage 6.
  • Identify the challenges/distractions to your academic performance.
  • Identify the strategies that you need to develop, OR current skills that you already have that need to be improved, to reach your potential.
  • Identify three “things” you can do in Semester 2, to improve your academic progress and show your readiness for the HSC exams or Stage 6.


Compass Student Attendance

To ensure that the College has correct attendance records for your daughter and that you are aware of your daughter’s absence, a text message (SMS) with a link will be sent to parents/carers in the primary household. Please click on the link to explain your daughter’s absence. Only one household parent needs to reply.

Using the link will alleviate the need to send a written note explaining the absence. Please respond the same day the text (SMS) has been sent as the link will automatically disappear resulting in the need for you to provide a hand written note for the absence. Please contact Grace Labbozzaetta if you require any assistance in the use of Compass.



As of this week all students must wear the full Winter Uniform on a daily basis.  The winter uniform has the following expectations:

  • All students must own a College blazer and MUST wear it to and from the College
  • Regulation grey stockings are to be worn at all times.
  • Any clothing worn under the College shirt must not be visible. All undergarments should be neutral in colour.
  • High-collared skivvies, hoodies, beanies and other non-school attire must NOT be worn.
  • The College Jumper is not part of the Sports Uniform and can only be worn in Winter under the College Blazer when travelling to or from school each day.
  • Scarves must be the College scarf or a plain maroon/grey scarf. Scarves with extra fringing or of another colour are not permitted.
  • College Skirts must cover the bottom of the knee-cap (ie covering the whole knee).

The College uniform is something we are all proud of as a community. It reflects our values as a Catholic school and demonstrates our high expectations of all of our students at MMCC.  We thank all parents for your support of our College uniform regulations.


What do I do if my daughter is sick?

  • It is imperative that ​any girl​ with ​any​ cold or flu-like symptoms: sniffle, scratchy throat, etc, stay at home and get a COVID test. Students should not return until they have received a negative test result and are symptom-free. Students are required to submit the results of this test to the College.
  • Any student who is unwell at school will be ​isolated​ in the school sick bay until they can be collected by a parent or carer.

Thank you to our parents and carers for your support of the College and I look forward to meeting many of you at the Stage 6 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews.