13 May 2021

Catholic Life @ MMCC

Vinnies Night Patrol – Sandwich Making

Each month Year 12 students, led by Mr Samuel, take part in making sandwiches to support the work of Vinnies Night Patrol at Liverpool who feed the homeless and those in need in our local area. Year 12 students also donate the ingredients used to make sandwiches which are dropped off by MMCC staff members for distribution by Vinnies Night Patrol.












Tuesday Morning Mass

Each Tuesday morning staff and students gather in the Chapel to celebrate Mass. We are grateful to Fr William from Our Lady of the Rosary, Fairfield who presides over these weekly Masses. I also wish to thank all students and staff who contribute to each Mass.

We encourage all students to gather Tuesday mornings at 8:10am in the Chapel for weekly Mass.










Mother’s Day Mass

Thank you to Fr Peter Strohmayer from St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield for presiding at our annual Mother’s Day Mass. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate Mass with students, their Mother’s, Grandmothers, family members and carers.



















Praying the Rosary during the Month of May

May is known as the Month of Mary. During this month Christians offer up to Mary homage of prayer and veneration. In this month, too, the benefits of God’s mercy come down to us from her throne in greater abundance” (Paul VI: Encyclical on the Month of May, no. 1).

During the Month of May students are invited to gather on Friday in the Chapel to pray the Rosary. Families too may wish to take time as a family to pray the Rosary.

The Rosary: Explained – Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney

Mrs Flanagan, Leader of Learning – Religious Education