22 Sep 2022

Extending Mathematical Expertise and Excellence @ MMCC – Mr Moore

Throughout Term 3, our Mathematics staff have continued to engage in the Extending Mathematical Expertise and Excellence initiative of Sydney Catholic Schools.

This program is a significant part of our College’s commitment to enhancing both the teaching and learning of mathematics and numeracy. This term Years 7 and 8 (Stage 4) Mathematics staff have created a range of tasks designed to engage our students through problem based challenges, explicit and differentiated success criteria, and learning which occurs through inquiry, questioning and reasoning.

Staff at MMCC also continued their partnership with Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School at Cabramatta, engaging in the observation of a Launch Lesson which was modelled by the primary school staff. This practice is critical in strengthening the pedagogy of our staff and a positive way to share in meaningful dialogue to enhance staff knowledge and understanding of teaching mathematics.

This term, Mr Khem and Ms Hoang engaged in Proficient Workshop 3 of the Extending Mathematical Expertise and Excellence project. During this intensive workshop both teachers gained valuable knowledge and insights into the importance of balancing teaching for understanding with opportunities for students to practise, master and apply to their learning.

I would like to thank all members of the Mathematics Faculty for their continued commitment to enhancing mathematics and numeracy at the College.

Mr Anthony Moore, Instructional Specialist


Thank you Mr Moore, Mr O’Brien and our Mathematics Teachers!
A great opportunity to connect with our Horsley Network schools!
A great initiative from SCS!  – Ms Pussich