SRC Events

SRC Events

End of 2023 – Talent Quest and Candy Cane Drive!

The SRC ended last year’s festivities with two of our most anticipated annual events – the Candy Cane Drive and the Talent Quest. We spread Christmas cheer by selling candy canes and tags where students could write a message to a friend (much like the Rose Drive). This raised a small profit that went to the SRC budget, which we use for events like these! We then capped off a wonderful school year with the Talent Quest, organised by our Secretary Claire; it featured some incredible SRC and Staff acts, whole-school Christmas karaoke, and a wide range of truly impressive talents. During this period, our Vice President Dante stepped into the role of President, overseeing a very busy period with some of the most successful events we’ve run since COVID. Such a strong end to the school year gave the SRC momentum coming into a very busy Term 1.

2024 Clubs and Committees Day

Clubs and Committees Day is an important annual event, especially in a school with so many diverse extracurriculars and active students. Our Committees Liaison, Jesse, has been working since late last year to coordinate the myriad groups we have at Fort Street. This year, we saw great turnout and interaction, especially in years 7 and 8, who showed lots of interest. A range of clubs and committees participated, from Robotics Club to Philosophy to student-led social justice groups. The SRC would like to thank all the staff who organise these clubs and wish students luck with their newfound extracurriculars!

Upcoming events

International Women’s Day Fundraiser – Thursday March 7 – BBQ and fundraiser.

Finally, welcome back to school – the SRC is looking forward to a great and busy year ahead!

Eleanor (she/her)

SRC President