Fort Street P&C Fort Street High School is 175 years old this year!

Fort Street P&C Fort Street High School is 175 years old this year!

There will be 2 substantial events to celebrate.

Fort Fest 2024! Friday 20th September, 3:15pm – 8.00pm.

An event for all the school and local community, with music, food, games and stalls. Run jointly by the SRC and P&C to raise money for the school, we are looking for volunteers to join the planning committee. We have roles of all sizes to suit all interests, so please email us at if keen. 

We’ll also need parents and students to run the stalls at the Fest. We’ll be sending out more details later, but in the meantime, please complete this Expression of Interest Form to let us know if you would like to be run a stall –

Fortian Alumni Dinner! (date tbc)

The school will be hosting a special birthday version of the Annual Fortian Dinner for all alumni. To be held on-site with guest speakers, entertainment and access to the school museum. The school is looking for any parents with experience in event management or contacts for furniture hire/catering/decorations etc. who would be willing to help with the organisation. Please email if this is you!

P&C Meetings

We encourage all parents and carers to join our P&C. Our aim is to support an inclusive and enriching community and provide students with the experiences, resources and facilities they need. Research shows that children perform better at school when their parents are involved in their education!

At the first meeting this year, the P&C approved the purchase of:

IMP Tuba and Trombone to the amount of $10,560

Staff Appreciation Lunch after Speech Day to the amount of $3000

Year 7 Social Event to the amount of $3000

Food Tech classroom Deep Fryers to the amount of $500

Science lab Incubators to the amount of $2800

Two 3D Printers to the amount of $12000

Next P&C meeting: Wednesday 13th March

Focus Item (tbc) starts at 7pm and the main meeting starts at 7:30pm, on Zoom.

The P&C holds meetings at 7:30pm on the second Wednesday of each month during school terms. The first meeting of the term is in the school library and the following meetings each term are held via Zoom. These meetings provide an opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the school, how it operates, to ask questions and to meet other parents. The Principal usually gives an informative report on the recent happenings within the school. 

Before most P&C meetings is a presentation on a focus item, for example on Wellbeing, eSafety, or how a particular subject is taught. If you have a suggestion for a focus item, please email the P&C: