Instrumental Music Program News

Instrumental Music Program News

End of Year Concert

The end of year concert is on Sunday 9th December
The concert begins at 2 pm, with a BBQ and multicultural lunch beforehand from 12.30 pm. This year the lunch will be held in the lower quadrangle, near the uniform shop. It’s an important fundraising event for the IMP and the support of parents in donating their food and time for this event is much appreciated.

To donate Food, go online to this SignUp link:

To volunteer your Time on the day, go to this SignUp link:

Annual General Meeting
At the AGM on 5 November office holders were elected for 2019. The new Convenor is Francine Cutler and Co-Convenor Suzanne Dang. Ronnie Taib will continue as Treasurer with a new Assistant Treasurer Adam Murphy and Minutes Secretary Sally McCausland.

Absences from rehearsal – a reminder from Mr Manchester
It is part of the IMP Code of Conduct that students attend all rehearsals and performances of their ensemble/s. Absences let down the team, and unexplained absences are not acceptable. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the ensemble director via email of any absence from an ensemble. Please make sure that you email the correct ensemble address so that the roll is marked correctly.
The IMP attendance policy is stated on page 8 of the IMP handbook which also lists email addresses for each ensemble. It can be accessed here

Drum Kit for Sale
One of our families is selling an electronic drum kit (Artist EDK260) which they are offering for sale to IMP students before advertising online. Includes everything in the photos except drum sticks and headphones. For more information, please call Francine Cutler on 0412 719 924.