Wear It Purple Day

Wear It Purple Day

On Wear It Purple Day the Amnesty Group raised awareness of LGBTQI human rights violations around the world, collecting hundreds of signatures on petitions calling for an open inquiry into the death of Greek activist Zak Kostopoulos, and for the release from prison of Russian LGBTQI activist Yulia Zvetkova.  ​The Amnesty group continues its work under rotating presidents Anja Clausius, Sascha Craney and Mahima Mehta​ to inform and educate students about human rights, as well as engaging in activism in support of victims of human rights abuses. Two of our members, Luca Butterworth and Alejo Pintos-Lopez, have also recently become members of NSW Amnesty’s Youth Leadership committee, organising events on a state-wide level.

It is very encouraging to see our students looking outward and standing up for justice.

Elizabeth Maddox