Congratulations Anthony Kha

Congratulations Anthony Kha

Last term Anthony Kha in Year 12 Hospitality was nominated for the VET excellence award from Southern Sydney Business Education Network. Students studying Hospitality at Fort Street High School attend 2 work placements which are organised by SSBEN. Anthony displayed the attributes required to receive this award during work placement as well as in Hospitality lessons.
The criteria were as follows:
1.  Student has consistently worked at a high level in all class activities.
2.  Student has completed all assessment tasks to a high standard.
3.  Student has always displayed a positive attitude and an interest in the VET subject.​
4.  Student has completed their mandatory Year 11 and 12 work placement component and received positive feedback from the host employer.
Congratulations to Anthony Kha
Allison Woodley
Hospitality ,Technology and Food Technology teacher