Why Marketing and Administration are NOT Interchangable

Why Marketing and Administration are NOT Interchangable


Article Supplied by Bianca Coleborn, Director of Marketing at Faith Lutheran College | Founder of School Marketing Manifesto

In the intricate tapestry of any school, two pillars stand tall, each playing a crucial yet distinct role:

  • the diligent administrators who form the backbone of internal operations, and
  • the innovative marketers who propel the organisation forward.

It is important to honour and appreciate the unique contributions of both administration and marketing staff, recognising the significance of each role while also understanding the clear distinctions that set them apart.

The Art of Administration

Administrative professionals are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, weaving order and efficiency into the fabric of school life.

The specialised skill set of administrative staff revolves around organisational management, attention to detail and the ability to streamline processes for maximum efficiency.

They excel in maintaining stability, creating a foundation upon which the rest of the organisation can thrive.

The essential contributions of administrative professionals often go unnoticed precisely because of their commitment to maintaining the seamless functioning of the internal machinery.

School administration staff: we would be lost without you!

The Symphony of Marketing

Marketing is a vibrant, dynamic discipline that focuses on capturing the attention of your ideal audience and steering the school toward growth.

Marketing professionals are the storytellers, brand ambassadors and strategists who navigate the ever-changing landscape of consumer preferences and market trends.

Marketers possess a distinct skill set characterised by creativity, strategic thinking and the ability to engage with external stakeholders effectively.

Crafting compelling narratives, developing innovative campaigns and understanding the nuances of consumer behaviour are all hallmarks of a proficient marketing professional.

Our work extends beyond the school’s walls, reaching out to the world to build brand awareness and forge connections.

Acknowledging the creative prowess of marketing staff is paramount.

Our ability to think outside the box, adapt to emerging trends and communicate the essence of a brand is pivotal in a landscape where differentiation and capturing consumer attention are paramount.

Distinct but Equally Valuable

While administration and marketing roles are distinctly different, both are indispensable to the success of any school.

Administrators lay the foundation for stability and efficiency, ensuring that the internal gears turn seamlessly.

Marketers are responsible for attracting new families, building brand loyalty and driving revenue (something we are not always given kudos for in schools).

It is essential to view these roles not in a hierarchy but as complementary forces – each contributing to the overall success of the school in its own unique way.

Just as a building requires a solid foundation and visionary architecture to stand tall, a school thrives when administrative and marketing functions work hand in hand.

Respecting Boundaries

Never underestimate the importance of respecting the boundaries that define these roles.

Administration and marketing require distinct skill sets, and asking someone from either side to step into the shoes of the other can be likened to asking a painter to become an architect overnight.

To ask an administrator to seamlessly transition into a marketing role, or vice versa, is not only unrealistic but also disrespectful to the unique skills each role entails.

Final Word

Administration and marketing professionals are essential forces – each contributing in their own way to the overall success of the school in their distinct ways.

It is through acknowledging and honouring the unique contributions of both roles that a school can truly thrive.

Let us celebrate the administrators who keep the internal gears turning smoothly and the marketers who paint the external canvas with creativity, recognising that it is the synergy of these roles that propels your school toward its goals.


Bianca Coleborn is a passionate school marketer with well over a decade of experience working in Queensland independent schools. She is currently the Director of Marketing at Faith Lutheran College, Plainland and the Founder and Director of School Marketing Manifesto, which is dedicated to making life easier for school marketers.