President’s Welcome

President’s Welcome

It has been a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding year for members of the VIC/TAS chapter. It was wonderful to see more than 120 members attend the International Conference in Auckland. Those who attended were treated to an extraordinary array of wonderful speakers, networking opportunities and social interaction. We were so pleased to see over 80 members attend the Wednesday night cocktail event held at the Bluestone Room. What a way to meet new members and catch up with old friends.

As well as the International Conference, this year has brought with it many highlights:

  • A record number of sponsors, despite it being a non – State Conference year. Thank you to our sponsors.
  • A wonderful Regional SIG at Loreto Ballarat covering four pillars led by Judy-Ann Quilliam.
  • A thoroughly informative session on the mentoring program being conducted at Monash University attended by 30 members.
  • A great event covering all aspects of LinkedIn held at Carey Grammar and attended by over 60 members.

I extend my congratulations to Scotch College, Director of Development, Tim Shearer on being awarded a Fellow of Educate Plus at the International Conference in Auckland. Tim has done an amazing job at Scotch over the past 15 years. Further to that, however he has provided endless levels of mentorship and counsel to many within the Educate Plus community. Tim has been a regular presenter at Educate Plus conferences and professional development opportunities and is always willing to share his knowledge with members of all level of experience. Congratulations Tim. Thoroughly deserved!

The 2018 Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 13 December at 4pm at Scotch College. Please diarise this event. Refreshments will be provided at no charge. This will be a lovely way to end a very successful and collegiate year. RSVP’s for the AGM can be made on the AGM page of this e-newsletter.

To join the VIC-TAS committee please see the forms on the AGM page of this newsletter. This committee has done a power of work over the past year. In a State Conference year, we would love to see more of our members contribute to this Chapter and of course, have a say in the make up of the Conference.

In 2019 we look forward to our extremely popular State Conference to be held on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th June. The Conference will include a range of practical presentations, including those who were selected as award finalists at the recent International Conference. It will also feature interactive sessions, similar to SIG’s where delegates can learn from each other rather than just one presenter. Additionally, stay tuned for the announcement of two remarkable individuals who will be announced as our keynote speakers early in 2019.

2019 will also feature another Regional SIG, another opportunity to meet all of our sponsors early in the year and further Open mornings at schools that you may not have had the opportunity to view first hand. Our sponsors will also have the opportunity to join us at each of our VIC/TAS events. We value each and every one of our sponsors and thank them for their incredible support of our organisation.

A special thanks to our Committee members for such a productive year. Thank you Maria Mercuri, Laura Maasburg, Adam Liddiard, Laura Bird, Judy-Ann Quilliam, Michelle McKay, Karen Whitten, Di Lacey and Rosie Nelson for your support this year. We continue to try to push the boundaries and make your membership valuable, relevant and productive. Please contact me at if you are interested in joining the Committee, wish to speak at the Conference or if you have ideas that can assist our members. I would be very keen to hear from you.

Russell Davidson
VIC/TAS Chapter President