A message from your Chapter President

Hello, and welcome back! 

After a year dominated by screen time and being locked into five-kilometre radii, being face-to-face with colleagues and students feels incredibly satisfying. Despite Victoria’s brief return to lockdown and very local living, we are, once again, living a somewhat normal existence.

I want to welcome our new VIC/TAS members who have joined Educate Plus in the past few months. This is an organisation built on collegiality and sharing, something we have managed to maintain despite our recent inability to catch up face to face. Evidence of this can be found in many places, not least of which is the Resources and Member’s Area of the website, which feature a plethora of shared knowledge and resources for practitioners right across the Advancement spectrum. 

Our Chapter Committee members have been working to bring you a broad program of PD, mentoring and social events in the months leading up to September’s International Conference.

Our first PD Event of the year is a webinar presented by fundraising and philanthropy strategist Kim Downes on “The Role and Influence of Women in Australian Philanthropy.” Happening on Tuesday 4 May at 10am, we hope that many of you can join us. Further PD and SIG opportunities can be found here.

Life is busy, and our roles are some of the busiest in our institutions. At times this can be stressful; at others, isolating, sometimes connecting with a colleague from within the Advancement community gives us the perspective we need to refocus and move forward.

To help ease this process in Term 2 we will be offering the chance for face-to-face contact (what a concept!) at a networking drinks event in the City, we have also started a VIC/TAS Educate Plus Facebook group to connect and share ideas more socially.

Another avenue available to members to connect is the Educate Plus Mentor and Mentee programs. These are a great way to collaborate, connect and give back to our profession, expand your network and broaden your understanding of Advancement. 

Find out more here

Feel free to reach out to me, or any of the VIC/TAS Committee if you have any suggestions for PD, or any other way we can add value to your membership.

Looking forward to catching up in person,


Adam Liddiard F.EdPlus
VIC/TAS Chapter President

Director of Community Relations – Woodleigh School