Get to know Mandy McFarland, CEO Educate Plus

Get to know Mandy McFarland, CEO Educate Plus

Mandy McFarland commenced as CEO of Educate Plus on Monday 17 January and is well known to many members.  She is a Fellow and former Chair of the organisation and served on the Board for 9 and a half years as well as serving on the WA Chapter Committee for over 5 years. Mandy has had an enviable career in the field of Advancement at both tertiary and secondary levels, most recently as Chief Advancement Officer at St Catherine’s College (UWA) in Perth.

Ana Gozalo, SA/NT Chapter Chair recently sat down with Mandy to find out a little more about her interests. Her answers might come as a surprise to many…

If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
My husband and daughters quip that I am an expert in everything 😊 but there are two random things I’d like to be able to do well – play the piano and draw.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
The Headmistress at my high school was a passionate educator of girls and of empowering women and regularly used this phrase which I use or apply at least once a week, “Seize the opportunity of a lifetime during the lifetime of the opportunity.”

When you die, what do you want to be remembered for?
Like many people, I’d like to know I had an impact and that I was kind to people. I Iive my life by this mantra so beautifully articulated by the great African American poet and author, Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.

If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you call it?
Difficult question as I’d never thought of doing this – who would read it??? It might be a book about giving others the strength to do what they never thought possible. The title could be something like this, “In my humble opinion…” or “Believe”.

What is the most rewarding part of being the CEO of Educate Plus?
The direct connection with so many talented and inspiring members who are just doing incredible things. It’s being surrounded by the best of the best every day and being able to share that with others as your day job is the most wonderful gift.

Who would you like to be for a day?
I’ve always thought I’d like to come back as a man to get a different perspective on life and while I’m at it I’d be pretty happy to be James Bond!

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My family who are the mainstay in all that I do.

Who has had the biggest impact on your career thus far and why?
In my last two roles, I worked for strong women, both very different in their management styles but they both empowered me to take my job and make it whatever I wanted to. From Joy Shepherd (St Hilda’s) I learnt that quiet determination, meticulous preparation and trust are the best ingredients to success and because Joy and I had very similar approaches, I could just be myself and create. Fiona Crowe (St Catherine’s) on the other hand, was a maverick, competitive and highly agile thinker (who I must confess terrified me at times because her ideas were so audacious) but I learnt that sometimes I just had to let go and try something even if I didn’t have complete control, I had to risk to gain and I had to dream bigger than I ever imagined! I’m so grateful to both women for giving me such a Ying and Yang learning experience.

Favourite travel spot?
There are many but Hossegor in France, particularly when the World Surfing Competition is on, has very special memories.

What are your three most overused words/phrases?
‘Gosh’ would have to be one and possibly, ‘be that as it may’ but I guess this is something you are not aware of yourself – so maybe I should ask you what they are?