5 Tips for Running a Clean Database

5 Tips for Running a Clean Database

By Ella Bennett, ToucanTech


Having a database full of dirty data can be a CRM nightmare. Read ToucanTech’s tips below to find out how you can declutter your database to ensure your analytics are accurate.


1.  Merge all duplicate records

Often, your CRM database will contain a number of duplicate records or datasets. Whilst duplicate datasets are an inevitable part of a database, they can lead to skewed data when running reports, as well as general confusion. One way in which this can happen is when contacts are added without being checked to see if they already exist. To avoid this problem, and to make it easily resolvable, ToucanTech’s CRM has a built-in functionality to identify duplicate records by running a filter, and to enable the admin to merge these records.


2. Create a standard practice for data entry

When inputting or uploading any data, have a uniform data entry practice by having controls on your database inputs. Dropdown lists or picklists at data entry points are a great way to ensure uniformity across your data sets, as new inputs of data are chosen from a selected list of options. 


3. Consistently format data

Make sure you have a standard formatting process in place so that the same type of dataset exists in each column – this covers everything from capitalisation, punctuation and acronyms. Consistent data is essential for accurate data analysis, as well as maintaining data quality, as inconsistencies in the format of your data can have an impact on data reporting. 


4. Invest in data cleansing technology

There are a number of tools and programmes which can make maintaining a clean database much more straightforward. ToucanTech’s built-in data cleaning technology allows you to filter through your contacts and find those with missing information. This filtering function also enables you to see when information has been added and updated by both admins and contacts.


5. Round up your inactive contacts and archive

After a while, your inactive contacts can act like your duplicate profiles – they’re just taking up space and can cause your database to be bulky and filled with stale data. To declutter your database, set these profiles as hidden. This way, you can retain these contacts’ records in your database for archival purposes, but you don’t bombard them with irrelevant information or materials. In future, consider running a re-engagement campaign with your archived contacts in order to encourage them to be more active members of your community.

To consistently run a clean database, you need the right tools and people for the job. Here at ToucanTech, we have an experienced data team to manage your data migration and provide ongoing support with data imports to keep your database clean and accurate. If you would like to find out more, speak to a member of our team or take a look at how we protect data.


Source: https://toucantech.com/news/managing-data/266/266-5-tips-for-running-a-clean-database