Farewell and our sincere thanks to our immediate Past President Catherine Boyer and Vice President Jo Brady.


Jo Brady spoke about our President at the final Face to Face meeting in December 2016. 

“Catherine has been an exceptional leader for our chapter and our industry. She has firmly put the spotlight on NZ’s advancement professionals for their strategic thinking and innovation for our profession and leaves our national chapter the legacy of our recent amalgamation which will benefit our members in so many ways, including hosting the international conference in 2018.

Catherine, Aroha and blessings from us all  Haere ra.” 

Vice President Jo Brady has worked very closely with Catherine for the successful amalgamation to benefit the New Zealand Chapter of Educate Plus. We also congratulate Jo on the work achieved with Catherine. The 2015 Christchurch New Zealand Mini Conference, “Let’s talk business,” was extremely successful and stimulating because of Jo and Catherine’s work and planning. We thank them again and others on the small committee for all they achieved for the organisation.

We congratulate Jo on her new role as Deputy CEO at Otago  Polytechnic . Jo told us she is up for the challenge! and that they are adjusting to life in Dunedin. This has been made easier by the warmth and welcome they have received from everyone.

Jo, all our best wishes to you for the future from us all at Educate Plus.